We must fight this chilling plot by the WHO – an unelected body in thrall to China – to seize power over nation states in future pandemics

Matt Ridley

The World Health Organisation is gearing up to persuade the world’s governments to sign a new pandemic treaty in May. Though called an “accord” so as not to frighten us democrats who still like that old-fashioned thing called accountability, it is a significant power grab by this unelected body. Never waste a good crisis, as […]

Good news is all around us

Matt Ridley

Good news, everybody. The ozone layer is probably going to heal. And that’s not all: by the time my (future) grandchildren grow up in the late 2050s, the world could be greener, healthier, cleaner, kinder, more peaceful and more equal – if we allow it.   Why do I think this, when activists are telling […]
