Britain’s net zero, green energy madness is set for a head-on collision with reality

Matt Ridley

Appeared in the Telegraph;   Britain’s net zero plan is to nearly double the demand for electricity (for heating, transport and artificial intelligence) and switch off most of the supply (gas and much of nuclear). If you think that does not add up, you are right. Perhaps Ed (Miliwatt-hour) Miliband is deliberately showing Keir […]

Welcome to feudal Britain

Matt Ridley

Only today the tax-grabbing barons are public sector fat cats.. and you’re the peasant funding their gold-plated pay rises Next week, the chancellor, Rachel Reeves, apparently plans to raise the rate of national insurance paid by employers. But the government itself is a large employer, through the NHS for example. It has now occurred to […]

Whoever you vote for, the Blob wins

Matt Ridley

At the age of 66 I feel like a first-time voter. As a member of the House of Lords, I was not allowed to vote in the last three general elections. But I retired from the House in 2021, so democracy here I come. I shall scan the ballot paper with interest: who is standing […]

How Putin spent millions spreading fake news about fracking

Matt Ridley

My article for The Sun: When Lorraine Allanson spoke up in favour of drilling for shale gas in her part of North Yorkshire, activists cut off her internet, called her a “whore” and linked her to a fake crime number. “Shouting, abuse, public defecation, intimidation, hijacking lorries to stop deliveries, blocking the village street, this […]

The UK is sitting on a gas gold mine, while Putin has Europe’s energy market by the throat

Matt Ridley

It’s madness not to frack My article for The Sun: The price of gas is through the roof thanks to Vladimir Putin, who has Europe’s energy market by the throat. Britain is on track to spend a staggering £2BILLION on imported liquefied natural gas from Russia this year as war rages in Ukraine. Household bills […]

How global warming can be good for us

Matt Ridley

My article for Spiked: Global warming is real. It is also – so far – mostly beneficial. This startling fact is kept from the public by a determined effort on the part of alarmists and their media allies who are determined to use the language of crisis and emergency. The goal of Net Zero emissions […]

Testifying Before Parliament on the Origin of Covid (Full Video)

Matt Ridley

Our Testimony for the Science and Technology Committee of the House of Commons, This morning, Viral co-author Alina Chan and I testified before Parliament—specifically, the Science and Technology Committee of the House of Commons—on the search for the origin of COVID-19. It’s available to watch (and share) on YouTube, and we have shared clips on […]

The Government is still fighting the wrong war on Covid-19

Matt Ridley

Their hasty over-reaction to the arrival of a new variant reflects just how little we truly understand this virus My article for the Telegraph: Here we go again, fighting the last war. Because governments are perceived to have moved too slowly to ban flights when the delta variant arose in India, we jumped into action […]