Are the cover-ups and corruption at the power station that’s Britain’s biggest green hoax – and burns 27 million trees a year – finally about to be exposed?

Matt Ridley

This appeared in The Daily Mail;   From 25,000 feet on a clear day, you can see the biggest wood-fired kettle in the world belching steam, as I did the other day on a flight to Newcastle. Called Drax power station, it lies between Selby and Goole in North Yorkshire and burns the equivalent […]

Move over, Ozempic: Why an astonishing new class of weight-loss drugs will soon end obesity FOR EVER – and here are the other surprising illnesses they could treat

Matt Ridley

This appeared in The Daily Mail; Imagine if you could eat your fill on Christmas day then dial down your appetite for January. Good news: such a prospect may be within sight. Weight-loss drugs are getting better and achieving results where decades of hectoring and dieting have failed – in yet another miracle of […]

Labour’s car industry wrecking policy might cut global emissions by 0.016%. How the Chinese must be laughing at us!

Matt Ridley

This appeared in The Daily Mail;   Unlucky Luton. The miserable news that Stellantis, the owner of Vauxhall, is considering laying off 1,100 workers from its van manufacturing plant is a hammer blow to the town. What makes it all the more painful is the knowledge that the damage is entirely avoidable and the […]

Why I’ll be buying a brand new petrol car just before the 2030 ban

Matt Ridley

Britain’s electric vehicle transition and the ban on petrol car sales from 2030 are a slow-motion car crash. The technology is not ready, the cost will be vast, the logistics are forbidding, the reliance on China is worrying and the backlash from the public is likely to be harsh. Worst of all, the benefits are […]


The madness of our worship of wind

Matt Ridley

They despoil our glorious countryside, add £6 billion a year to our household bills and are arguably the most inefficient solution to our energy crisis. So why is the Government planning to make it even easier to build them? My article for The Daily Mail: Take a wild guess at how much of the UK’s […]

The Root of the Energy Crisis

Matt Ridley

This current crisis is a mere harbinger of the candle-lit future that awaits us if we do not change course My article for The Daily Mail: Had it not been so exceptionally calm in the run up to this autumn equinox, one could call the energy crisis a perfect storm. Wind farms stand idle for […]
