We must fight this chilling plot by the WHO – an unelected body in thrall to China – to seize power over nation states in future pandemics

Matt Ridley

The World Health Organisation is gearing up to persuade the world’s governments to sign a new pandemic treaty in May. Though called an “accord” so as not to frighten us democrats who still like that old-fashioned thing called accountability, it is a significant power grab by this unelected body. Never waste a good crisis, as […]

Private landowners make better conservationists

Matt Ridley

The Duke of Norfolk is best known for presiding over the coronation as hereditary Earl Marshall, but what really gets him excited is a native farmland bird, the grey partridge. Nearly 20 years ago he was appalled to learn from the veteran ecologist Dick Potts that the species was down to its last three pairs […]

Blue tits vs willow tits: a lesson in subsidies

Matt Ridley

I last saw a willow tit on my farm about a year ago. I’m searching for them again this spring, listening for their ‘chair chair’ calls, but I am worried that they may be extinct here. They are dying out everywhere: down by 92 per cent nationwide in the 50 years from 1967. And the […]


How not to investigate the origins of Covid

Matt Ridley

This book on Covid’s origins is limited to criticisms deemed acceptable to Beijing. At 1.30am on 31st December 2019, an eye doctor in Wuhan Central Hospital, Dr Li Wenliang, a member of the Communist Party, received a peremptory summons to attend an immediate interrogation by the Wuhan Municipal Health Commission. He was made to wait […]

The True Tragedy of the Covid-19 vaccines

Matt Ridley

The jabs undoubtedly saved lives, but overblown claims sadly damaged the reputation of vaccination. Vaccination is one mankind’s most miraculous innovations. The eradication of smallpox, the retreat of measles and other cruel afflictions mean that vaccines rival sanitation for first prize in the saving of human lives. New vaccines against malaria and melanoma promise great […]

The shameless cover up of the lab leak theory

Matt Ridley

The more I think about it the more enraged it makes me. Back in late November, senior Tory minister Michael Gove was slapped down by the UK Covid inquiry’s head counsel, Hugo Keith, for raising the issue of where the virus originated. ‘There is a significant body of judgement that believes that the virus itself was […]


The Covid Inquiry is a shameless cover-up

Matt Ridley

Rishi Sunak will be the latest politician to appear at this show trial run by the Blob to exculpate the Blob On Monday, Rishi Sunak will appear at the Covid Inquiry. It barely matters what he says because it is as predictable as sunrise that he will be pilloried for the mistakes of others, that being […]

China covered up the origins of Covid. It’s time the Inquiry asked why

Matt Ridley

Beijing’s lies denied the world a chance to stop the spread, costing millions of lives. We deserve to know the truth. Michael Gove has told the covid inquiry that “a significant body of judgement… believes that the virus itself was man-made”. He was immediately slapped down by the lead counsel to the Inquiry, Hugo Keith KC, who […]

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