Gas against wind

Matt Ridley

Here’s an article I wrote for this week’s Spectator about UK energy policy. Wind must give way to gas before it ruins us all, and our landscapes. Which would you rather have in the view from your house? A thing about the size of a domestic garage, or eight towers twice the height of Nelson’s […]

The Polar Bear problem

Matt Ridley

It’s not that they are more desperate. it’s that they are thriving. Here is a piece I just published in the Spectator.   The terrible story of the boys mauled by a polar bear in Spitsbergen has sparked a debate about the risks of adventure travel. But what does it tell us about polar bears? Some have claimed […]


Spectator Diary

Matt Ridley

Random thoughts on gas, songs, weather, walls and dead flies I wrote this week’s Spectator diary (no link yet): A day in London for the launch of my new report `The Shale Gas Shock’, published by the Global Warming Policy Foundation. I argue that shale gas calls the bluff of the renewable energy movement in […]

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