COVID Lab leak Evidence is Compelling for Good Reason

Matt Ridley

Despite Chinese obstruction and denial, the world is coming round to the idea that the origin of the pandemic might be traced to a Wuhan laboratory. Little wonder — the clues have been there all along   By Matt Ridley   It is not clear why the US government chose this week to drop not […]


Who really discovered DNA’s structure? Five people.

Matt Ridley

Tuesday 28th February marks the 70th anniversary of – in my view – the most important day in the entire history of science. On a fine Saturday morning with crocuses in flower along the Backs in Cambridge, two men saw something surprising and beautiful. The double helix structure of DNA instantly revealed why living things were different: […]


The case for the lab leak theory grows stronger by the day

Matt Ridley   The case for the lab leak theory grows stronger by the day. Matt Ridley     The news that the US Department of Energy has changed its mind about the probability of a lab leak as the source of covid-19 on the basis of new evidence has sent shock waves through the scientific […]


As US experts reveal a Wuhan lab leak probably caused the Covid pandemic, MATT RIDLEY asks – why are British scientists still refusing to confront it?

Matt Ridley

The Department of Energy in the United States, which has responsibility for a network of national scientific research laboratories, has changed its mind. It now thinks it likely the pandemic began in a Chinese laboratory, not in a seafood market, on the basis of new evidence it has seen.   It has not divulged what […]


The World Health Organisation is putting us all in danger

Matt Ridley

The failure to speedily investigate Covid’s real origins leave us vulnerable to another pandemic   The World Health Organisation, the body charged with finding how a virus from central China killed more than ten million people and upended the world economy, has dropped the ball. An article appeared in Nature magazine this week, headlined “WHO […]


Nature via Nurture: Genes, Experience, and What Makes Us Human

Matt Ridley

The emerging truth is far more interesting than a stale antithesis between heredity and environment. Nurture depends on genes, and genes need nurture. Genes not only predetermine the broad structure of the brain; through the pattern of their turning on and off they also absorb formative experiences, react to social cues and even run memory. […]

Bringing back the dodo

Matt Ridley

In Alice in Wonderland, Lewis Carroll brought the dodo back to life. The extinct, fat, flightless pigeon arranged a famous running race in which “all shall have prizes”.   Now an American tech entrepreneur, Ben Lamm, plans to bring the dodo back to life for real, along with some other extinct species like woolly mammoths, […]

The Rational Optimist: How Prosperity Evolves

Matt Ridley

A counterblast to the prevailing pessimism of our age, and proves, however much we like to think to the contrary, that things are getting better. Over 10,000 years ago there were fewer than 10 million people on the planet. Today there are more than 6 billion, 99 per cent of whom are better fed, better […]

Francis Crick: Discoverer of the Genetic Code

Matt Ridley

I am frequently asked for my opinion on the speculation that Francis Crick was on LSD when he discovered the double helix; or that he was involved with a man named Dick Kemp in the manufacture of LSD. These assertions were reported second hand in an article in the Mail on Sunday by Alun Rees […]

Genome: The Autobiography of a Species in 23 Chapters

Matt Ridley

The human genome, the complete set of genes in 23 pairs of chromosomes, is nothing less than an autobiography of our species. Spelled out in a billion three-letter words using the four-letter alphabet of DNA, the genome has been edited, abridged, altered and added to as it has been handed down, generation to generation, over […]

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